Thursday, August 30, 2007

Resistance has proven futile.

So I hired a life coach to help me, hopefully, make some decisions about what to do with the rest of my life since I can't seem to commit to an option on my own. Two sessions in, the verdict was:
"Ahem, have you noticed your clinical depression? I'm not sure life coaching can benefit you at this point, and I don't like for you to waste your money."

Well, alrighty then.

So after rejecting 21 years of repeated suggestions from various therapists that, perhaps, maybe, a pill might be of some use, I have caved. The pill popping began 2 weeks ago - this is my first week on the full dose. So if I get Wednesday-Adams-locked-in-a-happy-room-with-Disney-movies chipper suddenly? Well, now you'll know why. And if it happens, please don't mention it to me because, needless to say, one part of my dread of taking the pills? Becoming annoyingly chipper.

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