Thursday, May 22, 2008

50f Something or Other Thingie

My practice sessions with the WonderCamera led to a sad conclusion - the lenses I had really weren't up to the task of photographing people in low light situations/indoors. I will not torture you with sad and fuzzy examples of this.Happily, there are two fortunatelys in this story: Fortunately #1 - M-Bee recently struggled with this same issue, and had bought a lens with a high aperture (or some such thing - technical aspects of pretty much anything are not my strong suit) and she passed along her knowledge; and Fortunately #2 - the lens was only about $80 bucks! A steal! And, as a happy bonus, the lens is great for 'bokeh' (new word to me - but it is the fuzzy out-of-focus stuff in photos - which is stuff that I love - so I am happy to have a word for it.  Thanks Japan!)

So yesterday, I took the new lens out for a spin - I still need to try it on people in low-light/indoor situations, but here is the very first picture taken with the new lens: 
Dig that crazy bokeh! And here is one other I took specifically to get the cab in the background:

But, yes - there is a whole lot of light getting into that lens. Could one of those lens-hoodie things be in my future?

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