Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Catching up

on my posts is what I am planning to do this week - the combination of the final rush of the election (woowoo!) and the new job (also woowoo!) left me mute all fall - although 'big things [were] happening, wow things' - i.e. move, new job, car wrecks, the aforementioned elections, etc.

But for now, let us start with fall in the east:

It makes me want to watch all the Gilmore Girls that I own - alright, not true - it makes me want to watch Gilmore Girls seasons 1-5 and selected portions of season 6. I never want to see all of season 7 again, and do not own it - although if I had access to the one episode featuring the ginormous all-Gilmore screaming fight at some point, I wouldn't mind watching it again.


Melissa said...

Car wreck??

Atalanta said...

A fabulous car wreck! (The one episode) - the rest of the season one long never-ending nightmare of non-Luke-ness.