Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Battlestar Galactica. Gone. Nothing until 2008. I can't even string words together - I'm left without a television obsession to stand on - no Deadwood, no Battlestar Galactica. Gilmore Girls is finishing off its 7 year run with an inadequate swoop right back to THE EXACT SAME PLACE we were at the end of Season 4 (thanks again AS-P, you wanker). Veronica Mars is changing its format. 24 is all right, but I'm used to watching them on DVD, and I just don't find them as good doled out in weekly doses - with commercials yet. And Top Design? Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. It sucks so hard that I can't even watch it out of misplaced Project Runway loyalty. And while I'll continue to watch The Riches, I note a precipitous drop in my interest level anytime My Pretend Husband is not on screen.

Thank goodness the summer movies approacheth - and the drive-in is already re-opened, so that is something. I can certainly look forward to Captain Jack Sparrow, Venom-infested Spidey, Ratatouille, Order of the Phoenix, Oceans 13 and anything else involving absurd outsized explosions and giggles. But these are one-offs - inadequate (at least until I know exactly how much Cap'n Jack runs around the World's End with arms flailing madly) to support a full blown obsession.

And then, of course, there is the last Harry Potter - sweet sorrow indeed - I'm in the middle of the first prepatory re-read. But again, at some point on or about July 23 (release date plus reading time) it'll all be over but the weeping.

Sigh redux. What does one do with a life absent a healthy obsession?

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