Long story short - a failed Wikipedia search for the concept of Fruitcart (something to yell at the screen when it becomes clear that a car chase is going to involve tipping over some sort of vendor's cart) led to a broader search, which led to my new favorite Wiki - all about TV/Comic Book/Anime/Video Game tropes.
Not only is it fun to read actual wiki-nitions of terms that I commonly use (i.e. Redshirt, Cousin Oliver, Jumping the Shark, Buffy Speak) but whole new terms such as The Sorting Algorithm of Evil, The Scrappy, Chekhov's Gun, Spikeification (the wiki notes that Al from Deadwood is fascinating because, despite some Spikeification through the Blow Job Monologues, he remains a Magnificent Bastard. I ask you, were truer words ever spoken? And is it not why we love him?)
Best of all, however, is finding the phrase Stuffed Into A Fridge which is the description of my least favorite trope of all time, the clumsy use of which accounts for a good 95% of my hatred for Braveheart.
1 comment:
totally cool structuralist pop culture.
i'm missing a manicure just to read all the stuff i didn't know.
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