Wednesday, July 11, 2007

All I want for Christmas

is a loop of Alan Rickman delivering his lines from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. In fact, I would be perfectly content just to have a tape upon which he delivers his first two lines (which I quote below in their entirety) :



I titter a bit just thinking of it.

Clearly saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix last night at midnight. I enjoyed it very much - repeated (and rapid, because there is only a 9 day 14 hours 45 minutes and 32 seconds before the book comes out ) viewings will be necessary - but it may rival Prisoner of Azkaban for the top spot on my personal list of Harry Potter Movies in Order of Preference. And that is rather a coup, actually, because Order of the Phoenix is not my favorite book. In fact, Prisoner of Azkaban is.

Cheers to all my geeky girlfriends who joined me for the experience last night - and here is hoping Ms. Gooch was able to power past her back spasms through sheer will, meds and the lure of Brendan Gleeson, has also viewed this film from a suitable venue during her vacation in the hinterlands!

1 comment:

Delia Christina said...

being one of those geeky chicks, i'll be the first to openly acknowledge that, yes, i found young mr. radcliff slightly warmer than 'meh' and slightly less heated than a full-fledged 'hot.'

i think i would enjoy watching him play young mr. lebouef in a jerseyless soccer match.