Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Can't escape the John Hughes movies.

After spending all last weekend cooking, I've decided to purchase prepared foods for Ms. Gooch's annual Oscar party (rather than destroying my kitchen again). Her terms are that one must bring a dish inspired (however loosely) by someone who died in 2006. I'm pleased to have come up with a suitable offering with which to honor Paul Gleason, who immortalized the role of Principal Richard Vernon in The Breakfast Club.

Now I need to find a bakery in order to provide 'If you mess with the bull, you get the (cream) horns.' I'm moderately pleased with the idea, because usually I cannot come up with anything resembling a pun. I generally bring food that actually appeared in one of the dead actor's roles (ie. Gidget's drunken hotdogs or John Ritter's chocolate chip cookies (from his evil-baking-robot turn on Buffy)). Puns are hard for me, however, and much more the done thing.

Also there is the pleasing thought that I'll have an excuse to both say the line and make the accompanying hand gesture at random points throughout the evening. I'm sitting here at my desk doing it even now.

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