Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Corporate America is Ruining My Life

In less than a week, two stories from the business pages have elicited the following reaction from me:


First, the announced proposed acquisition of Wild Oats, the kinder, gentler, granola-ier, cheaper health/organic foods supermarket by the evil, statusy, so-expensive-it-is-practically-a-diet-plan-in-and-of-itself-to-try-shopping-in-there-on-a-budget and so-bloody-high-minded-that-they-don't-carry-anything-that-resembles-a-normal-kitchen-staple 'supermarket' Whole Foods. I admit that this announcement, heard in the car, not only engendered the above reaction, but also the following:

Fucking! Evil! Blue Sun! Crap, crap, crap, nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Evil damit fuck. Noooooooooo!!!

All this screaming was accompanied by pounding on the steering wheel and dashboard and was immediately followed by a call to KW, who, of all my friends, will understand my pain regarding this news. (She did, in fact, understand and share my pain).

Then, today, M-bee informed me that Forth & Towne, the Gap concept store designed for women over 30 (of which I am one) who would like to look cute, but age appropriate, on a budget and might, just might, want to wear a color that is not a neutral (I'm talking to you, Banana Republic) is being ditched by Gap corporate. I imagine there will be a delayed reaction to this - at the moment I'm still in shock. However, I also imagine that there will be a strongly worded letter drafted before the day is out expressing my dismay at their disgusting decision. I'm given to understand that Ding has already whipped out her pen, gods bless her.

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