Thursday, April 26, 2007

Needful Preparations

Working down the list of Things To Do for July 21:

1. Verify continuing existence of Indigo/Chapters Bookstores in Windsor, Ontario, Canada - check

2. Find group of amazing, fun, stubborn (must have UK version) and impatient (now!) Chicagoans to road trip with to Windsor, Ontario, Canada on July 20 - check

3. Add additional amazing, fun, stubborn and impatient person from DC, to be picked up at the Detroit airport on the way to Windsor, Ontario, Canada - check

4. Find place to hunker down together for the weekend and read read read read read - check

5. Place deposit on same - check

6. Reread all six previous books at least once in preparation - check

7. Order and receive appropriate (and pleasing) logo tee to wear while standing in the long, long line waiting for the midnight release - in my case, this one in yellow- check

8. Wait

9. Wait

10. Wait


Teri said...

can I just register my disappointment that I am a) not cool enough and b) busy that weekend? oy.

You are going to pick one up for me, right?????? I MUST HAVE THE UK VERSION!!!! Otherwise all is lost in my Harry Potter world.

I will be out of town until the 29th, but as soon as I get back (aka Monday morning the 30th) you KNOW I will be on the train to downtown, searching you out. :-)

Anonymous said...

You need some sort of countdown ticker in your blog. And I need a t-shirt.
