Pretty much everything about this May sales report makes me happy - in the same weird way that box office figures (both on the success and failure end) can make me happy. The highlights for me?
Target? (love) - same store sales up 5.8%
Nordstroms (again with the love) - same store sales up 6.3%
But the real joy lies in the schadenfreude:
Wal-mart? yes, up 1.1%, but at the low-end of their predictions and with a note that: "...while Wal-Mart has stumbled with fashions that its customers find either too dowdy or too racy, Target's "cheap chic" apparel and housewares continue to win new customers."
And now, for the real joy. (And, while it is hard to say that Macy's is the Ultimate Evil in a Wal-mart/Macy's showdown, because on a global scale, Wal-mart is more with the Evil and I cannot deny that, I will say that I want Macy's to be punished for taking over and changing Marshall Fields. I want them to hurt over that decision. I want it to keep executives up at night thinking - 'why did we walk through the Rembrandt?') So, without further ado - Macy's? DOWN 3.3% and, to quote from the article:
"The Cincinnati-based owner of Macy's and Bloomingdale's admits results have been hampered by sluggishness at 400 stores that were formerly operated by rival May Co., which the company acquired in 2005 for $11.5 billion.
Now-defunct regional chains like Marshall Field, Filene's, Foley's and Burdines were converted to Macy's last fall, and shoppers balked as Macy's brought in new merchandise and reined in discounts. Macy's said increased marketing and promotions are expected to boost same-store sales in June and July. But the company still says a decline in June is likely."
Can I just say that, if TPTB at Macy's tried to do something that would strengthen my resolve to not darken the door of Macy's*, it would basically be to send me more direct mail and direct more ads at me than the ones that are, at present, pissing me off by intruding on my attention every other day? The ones I pull out of my mailbox, glance down at, see the big bright annoying red fucking star, think (and sometimes, I admit, mumble aloud) 'fucking Macy's' in knee-jerk response thereto, and then toss. Well done, Macy's, well done.
And while I got rid of my TV, so the upped ad-buys there won't impact me, I will say that I've never seen a Macy's ad that did not actively cause me, or those I'm with, to start throwing angry comments at the screen. As Ding pointed out during their 'dancing in the streets campaign' - 'Yes, that is what I want - to wear the same [expletive deleted] thing everyone else in America is wearing.'
*In the interest of full disclosure, I have gone in the Macy's on Michigan on very rare occassions (I count 3) (I will not go into the State Street Store) for the purpose of buying Lush products. And Fetchin' and I went from the Macy's front door to Lush to the Levenger shop this weekend. We felt guilty about it. It isn't right. But it is the only place for Levenger, which Fetchin' loves, and it is the most convenient Lush - although when I am not suffering from a resolute and unyielding need for Lush and/or caught up in the excitement of store-prowling with friends, I do make the effort to go to the proper store north of downtown - harder now with no car and as I wait for my i-Go stuff to arrive. See - I feel so guilty about it that I had to write that much excuse for myself. No more Macy's for me. It just can't be good for my psyche.
Target? (love) - same store sales up 5.8%
Nordstroms (again with the love) - same store sales up 6.3%
But the real joy lies in the schadenfreude:
Wal-mart? yes, up 1.1%, but at the low-end of their predictions and with a note that: "...while Wal-Mart has stumbled with fashions that its customers find either too dowdy or too racy, Target's "cheap chic" apparel and housewares continue to win new customers."
And now, for the real joy. (And, while it is hard to say that Macy's is the Ultimate Evil in a Wal-mart/Macy's showdown, because on a global scale, Wal-mart is more with the Evil and I cannot deny that, I will say that I want Macy's to be punished for taking over and changing Marshall Fields. I want them to hurt over that decision. I want it to keep executives up at night thinking - 'why did we walk through the Rembrandt?') So, without further ado - Macy's? DOWN 3.3% and, to quote from the article:
"The Cincinnati-based owner of Macy's and Bloomingdale's admits results have been hampered by sluggishness at 400 stores that were formerly operated by rival May Co., which the company acquired in 2005 for $11.5 billion.
Now-defunct regional chains like Marshall Field, Filene's, Foley's and Burdines were converted to Macy's last fall, and shoppers balked as Macy's brought in new merchandise and reined in discounts. Macy's said increased marketing and promotions are expected to boost same-store sales in June and July. But the company still says a decline in June is likely."
Can I just say that, if TPTB at Macy's tried to do something that would strengthen my resolve to not darken the door of Macy's*, it would basically be to send me more direct mail and direct more ads at me than the ones that are, at present, pissing me off by intruding on my attention every other day? The ones I pull out of my mailbox, glance down at, see the big bright annoying red fucking star, think (and sometimes, I admit, mumble aloud) 'fucking Macy's' in knee-jerk response thereto, and then toss. Well done, Macy's, well done.
And while I got rid of my TV, so the upped ad-buys there won't impact me, I will say that I've never seen a Macy's ad that did not actively cause me, or those I'm with, to start throwing angry comments at the screen. As Ding pointed out during their 'dancing in the streets campaign' - 'Yes, that is what I want - to wear the same [expletive deleted] thing everyone else in America is wearing.'
*In the interest of full disclosure, I have gone in the Macy's on Michigan on very rare occassions (I count 3) (I will not go into the State Street Store) for the purpose of buying Lush products. And Fetchin' and I went from the Macy's front door to Lush to the Levenger shop this weekend. We felt guilty about it. It isn't right. But it is the only place for Levenger, which Fetchin' loves, and it is the most convenient Lush - although when I am not suffering from a resolute and unyielding need for Lush and/or caught up in the excitement of store-prowling with friends, I do make the effort to go to the proper store north of downtown - harder now with no car and as I wait for my i-Go stuff to arrive. See - I feel so guilty about it that I had to write that much excuse for myself. No more Macy's for me. It just can't be good for my psyche.
I'm so mixed up about this. I hate macy's too - and it just feels yucky there now. But, at the same time, i don't want it to go bust (like lord and taylor or carson pirie scott). Plus, one of my favorite restaurants (the Noodles restaurant in the 7th floor food court - amazing!) is in the state st store - and until Macy's starts to do better, it won't be opened past 3pm.
I join you in your dislike (hatred?) of Macy's. That little star just brings shivers of irritation and often violent invective.
Why? Why did they have to do such horrible things to my beloved Marshall Fields?
I shall never recover...
as i sit here working late for no good reason than i want to i must say that while i hate hate hate macy's, i have sometimes gone in because Fresh cosmetics is there. but now that i've found them at that makeup place by nordstrom, no more.
the big girl section makes me surly and really really angry. like, abusive angry. no one should be exposed to abusive Ding.
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