Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Woo Woo - A Wedding!

- there is a wedding on my 2007 calendar (where I am a guest, not an employee)! Mr. Grant-Dichotomy himself is to be wed in November in Atlanta to the most excellent Ms. K--! Yay! I've never been to Atlanta, have no idea where the ceremony will be held, in short, have no logistical information or knowledge whatsoever - but can report that I have, nevertheless, just spent 30 minutes researching Atlanta hotels, bed & breakfasts, inns and vacation rentals. Also, flights. Also car rentals. I have barely restrained myself from ringing people up to see about their travel plans and the possibility of room sharing.

In addition, I posited over the phone to Mr. Grant-Dichotomy that anyone not in a serious relationship (married, engaged, living together) who decides to get offended because the invitation does not provide for an "and Guest" is an ass. So then I had to research that as well, and was pleased to see that while I am correct - I am also, perhaps, overly blunt and prolly shouldn't jump right into the ad hominum attack language, but should rather say, along with Emily Post, something more along the lines of "Guests, Respect Your Invitation." (That link is for you, oh Groom).

Sigh, I just love weddings - and even better - weddings of people I love!

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